Every year I spend some time carving a pumpkin, usually with some relation to a film or TV show from the past 12 months. So last year, I carved out Walter White/Heisenberg, as a homage to the end of Breaking Bad (and also, because, you know, “I am the one who knocks” totally makes sense for Halloween).

The year before, I honoured the end of the Nolan Batman trilogy, carving Bane from The Dark Knight Rises.

The year before that, I went with a zombie from The Walking Dead. The TV show had started the previous Halloween, so I hadn’t had a chance to use it then, and I love the comic, so it seemed fitting (not so impressed with the show since).

This year though, I’m at a loss. There hasn’t really been anything that has come up that seems to fit all that well for me. I recently watched You’re Next and loved it, but it’s not exactly recent. So if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments.
EDIT: After considering The Strain, I did end up going with You’re Next: